The long awaited announcement has finally come.
Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche has taken rebirth in the family of Neten Chokling Rinpoche and his beautiful wife, Tendzin Choyang Gyari.
Urgyen Jigmey Rabsel was born in the year of the snake & is 4 1/2 years old (6 Tibetan). He was born in the USA & has an American passport.
Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche undeniably recognized him as the reincarnation of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche after carefully investigating his experience while in strict retreat in the holy pilgrimage place in Maritika, Nepal.
The child is currently in Bir India with his parents & will be given a new name at the time of the hair cutting ceremony.
As an auspicious coincidence, Tulkus Chokyi Nyima, Tsikey Chokling, Tsoknyi & Phakchok Rinpoches as well as Tenpa Chophel will travel to Bir on March 3rd to meet the child and his parents. There will be a ceremony at the Neten Chokling Gonpa in Bir and with the sons of the former Neten Chokling Rinpoche, Urgyen Topgyal, Khyentse Yeshe, Jamyang & Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoches.
This is a very happy time for all of the students of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. Please join together to pray for the further unfolding of auspicious circumstances in regards to this joyous event.
More information about the yangsi can be found on Tulku Urgyen's son Tsoknyi Rinpoche's website:
Wonderful news, I can't really begin to express how amazing a teacher Rinpoche was (is!) and consequently how lucky all sentient beings are that he has returned in a physical form that we can easily perceive. Undoubtedly the spontaneous compassionate activity he will perform will result in the liberation of immense numbers of beings from suffering. Emaho!
many wishes that his upbringing be without all the crazy political games of the times. And may his life be long and accomplish the benefit of others without obsticles.
this is wonderul news, and thnks fr this blog...just got back from a year in Tibet and discovered it.
Is it true that the new Urgyen Tulku will remember the Dharma names he had given his students in his previous life/incarnation ??
sorry to be the cold voice of skepticism, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it. i mean he couldn't even remember how to tie his shoes, needed to be potty trained, had to learn how to talk and be taught how to write, so i would be very surprised if he could then remember people and names. but hey this is Tibetan Buddhism, and i have personally had experiences that i never thought were possible and for which a skeptic like myself has no rational explanation, thus i remain open to being amazed. so when you meet him please ask him and let me know whether he does or not.
Good point Ani Yeshe! we often tend to forget the full consequences of many of these types of things. I certainly have a few skeletons in the closet i'd rather the lama not waste his time pondering.
I think it is good to remember that high lamas such as Urgyen Tulku are not normal people with likes and dislikes, hopes and fears. It is not an ego that is reborn. It is more like a program, an enlightened program. Not a normal human mind so to speak. Of course after some initial training in meditation they often do remember quite a bit. But the important thing is that we have devotion for their beyond personal qualities, meaning minds inherent qualities. Not just seeing their human ones which are temporary anyway.
hope that helps
First photo of Urgyen Jigmey Rabsel ~ lovely, are there more?
he sure does.His da most beautiful kid in dis whole worls.
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