This is Kala Rango, the site where Chokgyur Lingpa revealed the precious terma Tukdrub Barchey Kunsel. Many thanks to Matteo Pistono for sharing the photos.
The terma root text, however, tells that this treasure was revealed "beneath the feet of Chemchok Heruka" and that site was pointed out by Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche and others as being right by the river where the road goes. The Chemchok mountain is on the right when driving south.
"My great-grandmother could be quite wrathful.On several occasions, she set her will against the great terton---- she was stubborn enough to start a squable.
He didn´t appreciate her drinking from a garuda claw that he had discover when reveling a terma.--"I didn´t go to the trouble of recovering this rare garuda craw for you to use as shot glass!"--- she: "it holds a drink really well! And thats i´m going to use it for!"
And she imediately poured herself a drink... (p.39)
the memoirs of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
Posted By conceição to @ Buddhist tradition at 5/24/2008 02:24:00 PM
hahaha, thanks for sharing that one again, it's one of my favorite little tales from the memoirs.
Excellent blog...inspiring ...a way of linking up...spaciously..thanks..
Dear Eric Pema Kunsang & Pensum,
Just today received the "terma" of discovering your blog (via seeking a dzogchenma friend in Brasil, by way of Google LOL).
T*H*A*N*K*S for all -- what I can understand and agree with, or not
-- and all permutations thereof.
A la la ho!
Will visit you often, now that we've been introduced. :o)
Wishing Integration to All of us,
Beth E. Baker
student of Choegyal Namkhai Norbu
Pine River Watershed
(Richland Center)
Driftless Region
(S.W. Wisconsin)
approximately 335km N.W. of Chicago
I too am new to this blog and blogging in general. In advance forgive my wordiness. I have been a faithful student of Both Chokyi Nyima and Chokling Rinpoche for 9 years now. My practice is Trinley Nyingpo and faking the nature of mind. I've done the best that I can in the Dharma wilderness of America connected to the Lineage more through dirt and rivers of Gomde than actual enlightened beings. I practice because Samsara sucks, but with no real history behind what I was doing. Who was Tsewang Norbu? Who was Samtem Gyatso? Where is this Fortess Peak? These seemingly mundane questions have burned inside of me for years with only tidbits from Graham and Erik K to keep me going. Now the circle is complete, the lineage has been layed out for us westerners and I have no doubt I have fallen in with good company. You older students all know these stories and links from long ago so I dedicate the zeal and freshness of having heard these for the first time to you. I especially want to send much love to Erik and Marcia for bringing this to us.
Last night 8-16-08 I finished the last pages of the book around 10:30pm. As I closed the book, deep veneration for Tulku Urgyen stirred in my heart and at that moment I shit you not, my bed started shaking and the windows started rattling, the whole house started to shimmy. I thought to myself "Rinpoche is the pimpest" then I snapped to and remembered I live in Norcal and I'd better snatch up my two Cherubs and vacate pronto. You can verify it at USGS.GOV(4.8 seven miles off Humboldt coast) and it doesn't mean anything but if it happened to you in the moment like it happened to me you'd think it was way cool too. Peace Vajra brothers and sisters. Long live the New treasures.
Hello all,
Thanks for this "wish-fulfilling" blog. I am looking for any information about the actual location of Dhumasthira, "The Place of Smoke". It seems to have been a charnel ground where Lotsawa Vairotsana beheld Garab Dorje. Does this place exist anymore, how is it called these days? Does anyone have a picture of the place?
Thank you very much,
Dear Anonymous,
I have sent your question in an email to Ani Jinpa who has translated his biography (see below). Let's see what she has heard. My guess would be that is lies close to Bodhgaya.
Palmo, Ani Jima (Eugenie de Jong; translator); Nyingpo, Yudra (compilor, et. al.) (2004). The Great Image: the Life Story of Vairochana the translator. Shambala Publications, Inc.: Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. ISBN 1-59030-069-6 (pbk.: alk. paper)
Funny that meeting isn't described in Vairotsana's biography, The Great Image. The only reference to his meeting Garab Dorje is in passing after receiving all the teachings from Shri Singha: "Then Vairo went to see all the great masters, including Prahe (Garab Dorje) and Manjushrimitra, who taught him the nature of dharmata in an instant, and he fully comprehended it that very moment." (pg.124)
Ani Jinpa replied:
The name Dhumasthira, "The Place of Smoke" doesn't occur in that text. It does mention many times throughout the text that Garab Dorje lived in a cave called Place of the Vajra near a charnel gound called Golden Sanctuary of Expanding Delight, which was on the bank of the Kutra Lake in Oddiyana.
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